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Don’t Forget! Specialization Annual Fees and Recertification Deadline

reminderEmail notifications regarding applying for recertification or payment of specialization annual fees were sent on July 6, 2023. If you have not received an email notice, please verify your email address is correct in the State Bar Member Portal and that the email has not been routed to your spam or junk folder.

Specialization Annual Fees

Specialization annual fees are different from the State Bar membership annual dues. In any year that you are not up for recertification, you will be required to pay the specialization annual fee.

The 2023 specialization annual fees are now available on the State Bar Member Portal. You can view and pay your fee by accessing the portal. The payment deadline is September 30, 2023. If payment is not received by that time, a $50 late fee will be assessed on October 1, 2023. If the annual fee has not been paid before December 31, 2023, your certification will be considered lapsed.

2023 Applications for Recertification

Recertification applications (and supplemental materials if applicable) are now available on the State Bar Member Portal. Recertification applications should be completed online via the portal. You will not receive a recertification application in the mail.

Please note that during your recertification year, you will not be charged, or be required to pay, the $150 specialization annual fee, but you will be required to pay the $250 recertification fee when you apply for recertification.

The application deadline is September 30, 2023. Any applications received after October 1, 2023, will be charged an additional $250 late fee. If you have still not applied for recertification by December 31, 2023, your certification will be considered lapsed. 

Thank You for Your Service

Two members are rotating off the Board of Legal Specialization this month: Laura V. Hudson and Nancy S. Ray. Both have served for six years and contributed ideas, perspectives, and passion for the work of the Board.

hudsonLaura is Chief Marketing Officer at Ward and Smith P.A. in Raleigh. Her insights regarding specialization program recognition and marketing opportunities have been an invaluable resource and her enthusiasm will be sorely missed.

Nancy is a Pitt County magistrate, hearing both civil and criminal matters and presiding over Pitt County’s small claims court. She also teaches business and insurance law at East Carolina University. Her calm demeanor and thoughtful approach have been a great asset to the Board and she will be missed.




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